the pod Team

Adam tehc Owner

CO-FOUNDER, Spaces host and partnerships

For me, The Pod is a way to represent transparency & firm belief in the people of Web3.

Be careful when interacting, I will most likely ask questions. 

“the more we learn the more we realize how little we know”

szera Owner

CO-FOUNDER, speaker and graphic designer

Web3 is an exciting place where I get to feel like I’m discovering the old wild west; Above anything, I’m here to make friends and connect with people, and then I’ll think about making profits.

“It is not our abilities that show what we truly areā€¦ it is our choices”

CoubyPlayz Team

Developer, Writer, Management and Speaker

I am the task manager, developer and writer for the pod. I am a degen in the day and a developer through the night. I could tell you so much more about my adventures my life and my upbringing but I rather leave you here with a quote:

“My mother once told me that bad news is just news in disguise. The point being that even though things look bad there is a rainbow around every corner.”

TKZimms Team

Spaces host

Coming soon!!!

Victoria Perez Team

Collaboration and speaker

Coming soon!!!

Superody Team

partnerships and speaker

Coming soon!!!

Eden Team

discord moderator

Coming soon!!!

Tost team

discord moderator

Coming soon!!!